patents, TRADEMARKS, & awards
REP Fitness products are protected by at least the following US patents and by foreign patents. These patents protect REP Fitness's inventions and resources utilized in researching, development, and design of the products. In accordance with 35 USC, section 287 (a), REP Fitness is providing the notice that the products below are protected by the patents identified underneath each product. This list of REP Fitness products/patents is not all-inclusive and additional products may also be protected by patents or patents pending in the US and elsewhere. Additional REP products may have patents pending in the US and other countries.
ab-5000 zero gap adjustable bench
U.S. Patent No. 10589144
belt squat
U.S. Patent No. D920451
ab-5200 adjustable weight bench
Patent No. D939033
Weightlifting System, Pair of Pulleys and Pulley, Shroud for Weight Stack
Shroud for Weight Stack
strap safeties 2.0 (5000 &1000)
Strap Hanger
ab-4100 adjustable weight bench
Adjustable Weight Bench
BlackWing adjustable bench (zerogap)
Adjustable Bench With One-Way Adjustment Pin, Incline/Decline Bench, Foot for Bench, Weight Bench with Back-Mounted Stand
AB-5200 2.0 Adjustable Bench
Weight Bench with Back-Mounted Stand
AB-3000 2.0 FID Adjustable Weight Bench
Bench with Leg Supports, Incline/Decline Bench with Adjustable Supports
open trap bar
Open Trap-Camber Bar with Self-Bracing Removable Handles
Camber Bar
Animal Print bumper plates
Weight Plate
quickdraw adjustable dumbbell
U.S. Patent No. 7588520, U.S. Patent No. 10583318, U.S. Patent No. 10843028
The herein referenced are trademarks/service mark, both registered and unregistered, owned by REP Fitness. This is not an exhaustive list, as REP Fitness may also use other trademarks, taglines, logos, service marks, and more. Any absence of a trademark/service mark doesn't indicate a waiver of REP Fitness's intellectual property rights.

did you know ...
REP’s equipment is the most popular brand in the home gym market (with cost in mind), according to Garage Gym Experiment's 2022 survey. Garage Gym Experiment asked lifters to pick their favorite of the four largest home gym brands (REP, Rogue, Titan, and Bells of Steel). REP came out ahead, with 41.1% of the votes – beating Rogue (36.4%), Titan (16.2%), and Bells of Steel (6.3%).
Furthermore, the survey found REP benches are the most popular, best-value, home gym benches. The majority of lifters (57%) said they prefer REP benches over Rogue – and that number is up from the previous year.
Garage Gym Reviews also named four pieces of REP equipment as “The Best Home Gym Equipment of 2023.” On the list:
The Most Innovative Squat Rack: The Ares
Best Bench: The AB-4100
Most Innovative Trap Bar: REP Open Trap Bar
Most Innovative Kettlebell: REP Adjustable Kettlebell